
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent sit amet est eu mauris ullamcorper dignissim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec faucibus tincidunt euismod. Curabitur sed est hendrerit, euismod nunc eget, fringilla justo. Quisque posuere venenatis feugiat. Ut facilisis mollis nulla ac ullamcorper. Curabitur arcu purus, sollicitudin pellentesque dolor aliquam, suscipit viverra ligula. Nam porttitor ante purus, eget elementum lorem pharetra quis. Sed efficitur pretium ante, in ornare elit aliquet vel. Cras semper diam suscipit sapien hendrerit, eu tempus nibh convallis. Vestibulum varius vestibulum ipsum vitae hendrerit. Nam eleifend posuere mattis.

About Us

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Services of Grand Trading Group are marked, in addition to their totality, variety of specialization, and the development of the equipment to high expertise, by the fact that they come out of a developed and standard philosophy, in comparison with the huge number of companies.

This has led us to the economical variety in trading to avoid risks of centrality. We were aware of this matter from the start, by adopting coordinated policies to still and develop strong and stable bases and frim foundations.

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  • Administration and on top of it: the General Manager.
  • Clients and tranied staff.
  • Merchants and consumers.

Every party of these parties is connected with the other. Each one of them takes the responsibility to achieve the main purposes of plans for gaining and development in the group.

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We establish companies, clear all transactions with any government or semi-government bodies, corporations, and companies, such as Commercial Registrations – Trade licenses – Ministry of Interior E-services & physical Services, such: General Directorate of Border Passports & Expatriates Affairs, passports, residence permits, visas, ID – Traffic Department – Labor Department – Building permits – Ministry of Justice – Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Medical commission – CID for fingers print –Hukoomi services, etc.

What Do We Do?

GTG is glad to shed light on the most important services of the company.

Public Services

Finishing transactions and all management supporting services.

Public Services

Finishing transactions and all management supporting services.

Public Services

Finishing transactions and all management supporting services.

Public Services

Finishing transactions and all management supporting services.

Public Services

Finishing transactions and all management supporting services.

Public Services

Finishing transactions and all management supporting services.

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What GTG aims at is not in the first place the organizational and economical policies; it is basically to serve and build (merchant-customer) relationship, which is always the main concern in our study to the basic system of the group. This for a bright present and promising future built on a ground of correct planning.








Doha – Qatar
Office: +974-987654321
Mobile: +974-75485123
Website: www.test.qa
Email: gm@test.qa